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Variables API

Local Variables

Local Name Variables and Local List Variables are components attached to game objects and their value is bound to the scene they are. To access their runtime values you reference the component and call one of their public methods.

Local Name Variables

Local Name Variables are components attached to game objects and can be referenced like any other script. To access any of its values you can use the following methods:

Getting values

bool Exists(string name)

Returns true if the variable exists. False otherwise

object Get(string name)

Returns the value of the variable. Requires to be casted to the correct value

Setting values

void Set(string name, object value)

Sets the value of a variable

Listening to events

You can also register when a Local Name Variable changes using the following methods:

void Register(Action<string> callback)

Executes the callback every time a variable changes its value

void Unregister(Action<string> callback)

Stops executing the callback when the variable changes

Local List Variables

A Local List Variables component has the following methods for getting and manipulating its values:

Getting values

object Get(IListGetPick pick)

Returns the value indexed by the pick parameter

int Count

Property that returns the number of elements of the list

Setting values

void Set(IListSetPick pick, object value)

Sets a value indexed by the pick parameter

void Insert(IListGetPick pick, object content)

Inserts a value at the indexed position

void Push(object value)

Adds a new value at the end of the list

void Remove(IListGetPick pick)

Removes the value indexed by the pick parameter

void Clear()

Removes all values from the list

void Move(IListGetPick pickA, IListGetPick pickB)

Moves the value indexed at a position to a new index

Listening to events

You can also register when a Local List Variable changes any of its items using the following methods:

void Register(Action<ListVariableRuntime.Change, int> callback)

Executes the callback method whenever there's a change

void Unregister(Action<ListVariableRuntime.Change, int> callback)

Stops executing the callback when the list changes

Global Variables

Global Name Variables and Global List Variables are scriptable objects and their runtime value is stored in a separate singleton manager called GlobalNameVariablesManager and GlobalListVariablesManager.

Global Name Variables

The GlobalNameVariablesManager has the following methods available:

Getting values

bool Exists(GlobalNameVariables asset, string name)

Returns true if the variable exists. False otherwise

object Get(GlobalNameVariables asset, string name)

Returns the value of the variable. Requires to be casted to the correct value

Setting values

void Set(GlobalNameVariables asset, string name, object value)

Sets the value of a variable

Listening to events

You can also register when a Global Name Variable changes using the following methods:

void Register(GlobalNameVariables asset, Action<string> callback)

Executes the callback every time the variable changes its value

void Unregister(GlobalNameVariables asset, Action<string> callback)

Stops executing the callback when the variable changes

Global List Variables

The GlobalListVariablesManager has the following methods:

Gettings values

int Count(GlobalListVariables asset)

Returns the number of elements of the list

object Get(GlobalListVariables asset, IListGetPick pick)

Setting values

Returns the value indexed by the pick parameter

void Set(GlobalListVariables asset, IListSetPick pick, object value)

Sets a value indexed by the pick parameter

void Insert(GlobalListVariables asset, IListGetPick pick, TValue content)

Inserts a value at the indexed position

void Push(GlobalListVariables asset, TValue value)

Adds a new value at the end of the list

void Remove(GlobalListVariables asset, IListGetPick pick)

Removes the value indexed by the pick parameter

void Clear(GlobalListVariables asset)

Removes all values from the list

void Move(GlobalListVariables asset, IListGetPick pickA, IListGetPick pickB)

Moves the value indexed at a position to a new index

Listening to events

You can also register when a Global List Variable changes any of its items using the following methods:

void Register(GlobalListVariables asset, Action<ListVariableRuntime.Change, int> callback)

Executes the callback method whenever there's a change

void Unregister(GlobalListVariables asset, Action<ListVariableRuntime.Change, int> callback)

Stops executing the callback when the list changes