2.17.52 (WIP)¶
- Properties: Location has new options Same and Opposite of Target
- Properties: Direction can subtract two positions
- Instruction: Check obstacle (Physics 2D) between two points
- Interaction: On Interact stopping to work with Raycasts
2.17.51 (Latest)¶
Released October 18, 2024
- Cameras: FPS shot has an offset value
- Editor: Support for Unity 6
- Cameras: TPS shot uses dynamic shoulder and lift
- General: Smooth Time causing NaN values when Time Scale is 0
- Character: Time scale affecting time unbound values
- Cameras: First Person Set Rotation incorrect pitch
- Editor: Fuzzy Finder not registering shortcuts
- Properties: Set String Input Field missing Text Mesh Pro
- Properties: Wrong Property Set method name
- Navmesh: Navmesh Areas have been deprecated
Released July 30, 2024
- Combat: Internal options for attack blocking
- Footsteps: Custom texture name in Materials
- Editor: Prevent Variables access in Editor-Mode
- Editor: Incorrect name on Finger Screen Position
- Editor: Null check for TMP reference
- Time: Allow a time scale greater than 1
- Character: Unique Identifier system
Released February 23, 2024
- Property: Search Component in Children
- Property: Search Component in Parents
- Property: Character Bone Position
- Property: Constant numeric Properties
- Instruction: Debug Console Clear
- Instruction: Debug Console Show/Hide
- Instruction: Change Camera Shot Aim
- Instruction: Change Camera Smooth Times
- Input: Scroll has direction options
- Saving: Caesar encryption cipher
- Cameras: Third Person and First Person Shots
- Characters: Turn off smooth angular speed
- Markers: Inward option has a dynamic Radius
- Saving: Decoupled encryption from storage
- Property: Get Direction Axis incorrect order
- Characters: Incorrect snap when height is not two
- Markers: Gizmos not respecting object scale
- Saving: Incorrect algorithm when encrypting
- Instruction: Obsolete Camera Shot properties
Released January 16, 2024
- Characters: Crouching when enabling component
- Save: Incorrect order right before loading
- Structures: Spatial Hash false negative candidates
- Cameras: Input for camera using delta time twice
Released January 10, 2024
- Property: Direction for Input Action
- Property: Decimal for Input Action
- Regression: States no longer transition properties
- Trigger: Flick uses magnitude of Vector 2
Released January 9, 2024
- Internal: New high performance spatial hashing
- Condition: Is Speech Playing by Target
- Condition: Character Fits
- Condition: Check Capsule
- Instruction: Draw Gizmo Line
- Properties: Materials access by Index
- Properties: Decimal Condition
- State: Properties change over time during transition
- Instruction: Enter State uses a animation clip Property
- Save/Load: Scenes loading twice when loading a game
- Save/Load: Invisible exception thrown saving the game
- Driver: Navmesh Agent now detects collisions
- Driver: Rigidbody radius not reacting on change
- Driver: Rigidbody incorrect drag value when airborne
- Tweening: Incorrect order when duration is zero
- Condition: Box 2D incorrect return value
Released November 12, 2023
This update does not come with any breaking changes. However it requires to uninstall Game Creator first before upgrading in order to replace the old search engine for the new one.
- Editor: New search engine
- Runners: Toggle visibility in Project Settings
- Script: Incorrect location of some scripts
- Property: Get Position Vector axis values
- Demos: Characters example wrong jump animation
Released November 3, 2023
- Instruction: Set Character Busy
- Instruction: Set Character Available
- Load: Ignore loading an empty save slot
- Instruction: Change Position incorrect use local/world space
- Instruction: Change Rotation incorrect use local/world space
- Input: Incorrect empty string check on Action Maps
- Camera: Avoid Clipping checks for null ignorers
Released October 31, 2023
This version comes with new features, but also breaks compatibility with the previous core and submodule versions.
We recommend updating only if you're in a prototyping phase or you're far from releasing your project(s).
In order to upgrade, be sure to backup your project(s) first and uninstall any previous versions of Game Creator and its modules.
- Instruction: Hotspots Active
- Instruction: Prewarm pool of Game Objects
- Instruction: Destroy pool of Game Objects
- Instruction: Set Animation Clip
- Instruction: Enable Input System Action asset
- Instruction: Disable Input System Action asset
- Condition: Check OR Conditions list
- Condition: Check AND Conditions list
- Property: Material type
- Property: String with ID format
- Property: Decimal have Math operations
- Property: Get and Set Sprite Renderer
- UX: Favorite Signals stored per-project
- Props: Handle asset for handling multiple characters
- Variables: Material value references
- Variables: Animation Clip value references
- Performance: Improved performance of Instructions
- Camera: Decoupled Avoid Clipping systems
- Pooling: Improved performance managing instances
- Variables: Drop zones to auto-fill List Variables
- Instruction: Move To detects when it gets stuck on a path
- Hotspot: More flexible options
- Input: Input Action assets require manual enable/disable
- Properties. Faster and new Location system
- Properties: Replaced Camera properties with Game Object
- Properties: Replaced Shot properties with Game Object
- Properties: Rearranged Game Object properties
- Scripting: Audio Instructions use Audio Properties
- Variables: Use built-in polymorphic serialization
- Characters: Jump and Land no longer set Legs as Busy
- Trigger: Interaction working when Trigger is inactive
- Saving: JSON File with Encryption throws error
- Staging: Forbid open in play-mode
- Editor: Error uninstall module with Settings open
- UX: Vertical alignment of elements in Inspector
- UX: Use Raycast field expands in Inspector
- Instruction: Submit UI uses all components in game object
- Character: Screen Center interaction with elements behind
- Character: Screen Cursor interaction with elements behind
- Saving: Exist differentiates between unloading and destroying
- Characters: Player input direction depending on Y axis
- Hotspot: Look at with Focus
- Instruction: Change Hotspot Radius
- Characters: Twitching an Breathing layers deprecated
- Properties: Offset properties are Direction properties
Released August 29, 2023
- Hotspot: Play Audio on Enter/Exit
- Condition: Check Audio Effect is Playing
- Condition: Variables List is Empty
- Condition: Is UI Sound Playing
- Condition: Is Music Playing
- Condition: Is Ambient Playing
- Condition: Is Speech Playing
- Property: Check Conditions
- Property: Constant Boolean True
- Property: Constant Boolean False
- Property: Boolean Local/Global List is Empty
- Property: Boolean Local/Global List has entries
- Property: Rotation Euler by Axis
- Character: Rotation Towards Input
- Character: Change Is Controllable from State
- Character: Option for Simple Ragdoll
- Character: Option for No Ragdoll
- IK: Ported Look Track system to Animator IK
- UX: Sorting Lists in the Inspector
- UX: Reorganized Axonometry dropdown
- UX: Reorganized Hotspots dropdown
- Hotspot: Option With Focus set as a Hotspot field
- Character: Decoupled Skeletons and Ragdolls
- Conditions: Raycast better titles
- Camera: Shots use correct orthographic size
- Camera: Residual Zoom in Third-Person Shots
- Camera: Head Bobbing throwing NaN value
- Audio: Stop playing after suspending runtime app
- Hotspot: Look at with Focus
- Hotspot: Activate Object with Focus
- Hotspot: Instantiate Prefab with Focus
- Hotspot: SHow Text with Focus
- Camera: Removed preview of Camera Shots
- IK: Look Track system with Animation Rigging
- Editor: Dependencies with Animation Rigging
Released June 12, 2023
- Instruction: Change Axonometry
- Instruction: Change Audio Source volume
- Instruction: Change Audio Source pitch
- Hotspot: Activate Game Object
- Hotspot: Activate Game Object on Focus
- Hotspot: Renamed Activate Prefab to Instantiate Prefab
- Hotspot: Optional infinite radius value
- Local Variables: Access using Game Object Properties
- Interaction: Near Mode using wrong Character
- Input: Wrong setup when using Input System Actions
- Input: Wrong Action selection when retrieving by Map
- Input Field not returning TMP component value
- Property: Location Character with Offset values
- Mobile: Support for Point & Click and Follow Cursor
- Global Variables: Not resetting after loading without save
Released May 26, 2023
- Events: New Command Args entry point
- Camera: Search for any Camera Shot after setup
- Editor: Error creating Player from context menu
- Input: Loading before scene is set up
- Props: Removed obsolete api
- Signals: Removed obsolete api
- Location: Removed obsolete api
- Editor: Removed obsolete Property Tool class
Released May 25, 2023
- Instruction: Next Iterator for List Variable
- Instruction: Previous Iterator for List Variable
- Instruction: Random Iterator for List Variable
- Instruction: Calculate Modulus between two numbers
- Instruction: Change Mannequin Position
- Instruction: Change Mannequin Rotation
- Instruction: Change Mannequin Scale
- Instruction: Clear Looking Around
- Property: Get String of Saved Slot Date
- Input: Finger in Screen and World Space
- Component: Text Property String UI component
- Console: Save/Load Game commands
- Execution: New execution order for certain components
- Variables: Not collecting correctly during build
- Variables: Reset Game does not reset variables
Released May 13, 2023
- Settings: Opening during domain reloads
- Variables: Initialize before subscribers
- Events: Initialize before subscribers
Released May 12, 2023
- Console: Runtime console for debugging
- Instruction: Log Text on Runtime Console
- Instruction: Submit Command to Runtime Console
- Instruction: Open/Close/Toggle Runtime Console
- Variables: Refresh button in Settings window
- Examples: New Console example scene
- Variables: Not loading on standalone builds
- Settings: Window missing entries on startup
Released May 8, 2023
- Instruction: Change Local Variable ID
- Instruction: New Dash instruction parameters
- Variables: Set at Index uses dynamic property
- Driver: Axonometry field for Isometric games
- Driver: Axonometry field for Side-Scroller games
- Execution: Order in which components are initialized
- Build: Crash when compling to Windows or Android
- Font: Incorrect resource font name
- Instruction: Move to Transform rotation ignored
- Variables: Edge case Global Variables not loading
- Trigger: On Blur throws error if object destroyed
- Align: Name Variables pick field
- Align: Input System pick field
- Align: Navigation Area Mask field
- Align: Navigation Agent field
- Align: Layer Mask field
- Repository: Deferred initializing database
- Combat: Not set default Target to first Candidate
- Touchstick: Icon not appearing on skin asset
Released March 28, 2023
- Icon: Equated dropdown arrow to standard
- Build: Forbidden access of m_Dirty member
- Align: Labels in Instantiate instruction
- Align: List Variables pick field
Released March 24, 2023
- Settings: Custom scene when loading application
- Settings: Displays current and update version
- Settings: Notification when there is an update
- Instruction: Change Character ID
- Instruction: Change Hotspot Radius
- Instruction: Set Sprite
- Instruction: Set Character Combat Target
- Instruction: Clear Character Combat Target
- Instruction: Reset Character Vertical Velocity
- Instruction: Set Character Invincibility
- Instruction: Set Character Poise
- Instruction: Cycle to Closest Target
- Instruction: Cycle to Next Target
- Instruction: Cycle to Previous Target
- Instruction: Cycle to Target by Direction
- Instruction: Enable/Disable Collider
- Instruction: Enable/Disable Renderer
- Event: On Change Combat Target
- Event: On Change Invincibility
- Event: On Dash
- Event: On Dodge
- Event: On Input Flick
- Condition: Is Character Invincible
- Condition: Character Raycast Floor
- Condition: Compare Vertical Distance
- Condition: Compare Horizontal Distance
- Property: Character Combat Target
- Property: Game Object Floor Position
- Property: Get Last Dodge Location
- Property: Get Last Dodge Position
- Property: Get Poise
- Property: Get Defense
- Input: Gamepad Left/Right Stick
- Input: Mouse Scroll-Wheel
- States: Change Motion fields from within States
- IK: Aim Towards Rig for First Person mode
- Examples: New Interaction and redone some others
- Variables: Access index with dynamic Property
- Instruction: Finer grain control over Dash
- Condition: Non-Alloc raycast methods for Physics
- Camera: First Person has smoother bobbing and sway
- Examples: New model for First Person mode
- QoL: Right click to Expand/Collapse items
- QoL: Facelift of the Character inspector
- Variables: Save is disabled by default
- Event: On Character Step renamed to Character On Step
- Event: On Input renamed to On Input Button
- Physics: Boolean result when checking raycasts
- Instruction: Dash wrong left/right fields
- Condition: Physics reported opposite result
- Footsteps: Avoid creating material instances
- Character: Allow zero linear speed
- Character: States dangling after Stop if delayed
- Character: Missing Avatar changing model in Editor
- Character: Incorrect bones when wearing Skinned Meshes
- Variables: Conversion from Texture throws exception
- Font: Use LegacyRuntime.ttf for Unity 2022.2 or higher
- Property: Get/Set Sprite UI Image incorrect name
- Editor: Changing Character unit throws error if selected
Released January 31, 2023
- Skeleton: Error in Unity 2022.2 and higher
- Camera: Moved execution to Late Update
- Camera: Incorrect execution order
Released January 30, 2023
- Skeleton: Revamped the whole workflow
- States: Root Motion for Entry/Exit clips
- Event: On Camera Change Shot
- Event: On Change to/from Camera Shot
- Property: Option to get Character Look Target
- Property: Get Character Bone position
- IK: Feet on ground uses softer values
- Hotspots: Show Text can use Text Mesh Pro components
- Animim: More consistent Gestures system
- Animim: States spawned in layered order
- Shot: Lock On Camera jitters when close to target
- Audio: Forbids playing the same clip at the same frame
- Ragdoll: Humanoids without Neck or Chest bones
- IK: Looking at a target jitters spinal chain
- Variables: Local ones not correctly initialized
- Interaction: Control Labels do not properly display
Released January 8, 2022
- Dash: new Character settings under Motion
- IK: Align Body with Ground
- Instruction: Stop Character Dash
- Instruction: Change Input Field
- Instruction: Move List Variable
- Instruction: Change Orthographic Size
- Property: Unity Editor Version
- Property: Application Version
- Character: Not allowed to stand on top of others
- Instruction: Dash uses improved Dash feature
- Shots: Viewport changes use Transitions duration
- Icons: New UI icons for common components
- Variables: Loading missing Global Name Variables
- Variables: Loading missing Local Name Variables
- Instruction: Cross product operator symbol
- Property: Location Game Object uses Markers
- Property: Location Game Object with Offset uses Markers
- Property: Display hidden labels on some Variables
- Gizmos: Error when inspecting a prefab with Gizmo calls
- Property: Get Player Bone Location
- Property: Get Player Bone with Offset
Released December 8, 2022
- Props: Retrocompatibility with previous versions
Released December 8, 2022
- Instruction: Drop Prop from Character
- Instruction: Reset Game
- Example: Nested variable access
- Instruction: Attach Prop accepts direct instance
- Instruction: Remove Prop accepts direct instance
- Shots: Reduced the amount of unselected gizmos
- Faster Spatial Hash with better layout
- Prop system accepts prefabs and instances
- Ragdoll: Joint constraints use projection
- Variables: Error if two variables have same ID
- Remember: Error if two Remembers have same ID
- Deter IL2CPP from stripping certain assemblies
- States example where character does not sit down
Released November 8, 2022
- Character: New feet phases curves
- Character: New Rigidbody driver controller
- Camera: Shots can override camera values
- Instruction: Set Vector X/Y/Z value
- Condition: Is Foot Phase on Ground
- Condition: Is Character Humanoid
- Event: On Application Focus
- Event: On Application Pause
- Event: On Application Quit
- Property: Find Game Object by Tag
- Property: Constant Zero
- Property: Constant One
- Property: Round Decimal
- Property: Ceiling Decimal
- Property: Floor Decimal
- Example: Loop List Variables
- Phases: New character foot planting
- Character: Jumps with the grounded foot
- Removed 'In Background' field on Actions
- Removed 'In Background' field on Triggers
- Input: Using Enhanced Touch Support
- Instructions: Removed activate Shot systems
- Camera: Overhauled Shot systems
- Character: Split gravity into up/down
- Condition: Has State in Layer
- Memory: Exists game object works again
- Hotspot: Not allowing multiple cursor icons
- Instruction: Change Position incorrect space
- Brake velocity capped to at least 1 unit
- Character: Look at feet instead of eyes
- Consistent Label width in 2021 LTS
- Time scale not reaching zero with transition
Released September 23, 2022
- Copy-runners for Visual Scripting
- Support for dropping 3D models improved
- States use new Copy-runners
- Sequencing uses new Copy-Runners
- Remember components run after initialization
Released September 16, 2022
- Instruction: Set Color
- Instruction: Lerp between Colors
- Instruction: Transition Color to Saturation
- Instruction: Transition Color to Lightness
- Property: Opposite of Color
- Property: Black & White of Color
- Experimental: Volume uses quadratic roll-off
- Character squatting due to frame hiccups
- Camera Shot generating garbage in Editor
- Wrong value when counting List Variables
- Renamed Graphics instruction
Released September 6, 2022
- Instruction: Transform Direction
- Instruction: Inverse Transform Direction
- Instruction: Transform Point
- Instruction: Inverse Transform Point
- Event: On Fixed Update
- Property: Camera Field of View
- Property: Character Model
- Slight Trigger design facelift
- Faster Event System queries
- Rearranged Hotspot menu
- Redesigned welcome screenshots
- Save/Load: Leak when destroying Remember
- Character: Unable to move/rotate when dead
- Inverse Kinematics: Deactivate when is Dead
Released August 19, 2022
- Instruction: Change Character Time Mode
- Instruction: Unfocus UI object
- Maximum collect radius set to 500
- Screen Width/Height numeric Properties
- Keywords on visual scripting nodes
- Instruction: Add Force has space mode
- Shot: Third Person direction after transition
- Pool sets position before activating
- Save/Load wrong format when deleting slots
- Time scale affects Character animation
- Sequence tool creates empty clips
Released July 7, 2022
- Character can use Driver/Motion directions
- Property: Screen and World cursor positions
- Touchstick can subclass and override properties
- Instruction: Transform Change Position
- Instruction: Join Text incorrect values
- Serializable data structures null error
- Error thrown by polymorphic list items
- Scroll not appearing on Install window
- Order in which SaveLoad system is executed
- Copy & Paste multiple times does deep copy
- Update serialized object when getting managed
Released June 21, 2022
- New non-diegetic Music audio channel
- Instruction: Play Music
- Instruction: Stop Music
- Instruction: Change Music Volume
- Instruction: Stop all Music
- Instruction: Stop all Ambient
- Event: On Change Music Volume
- Property: Music volume getters and setters
- Gestures and States ignore time scale
- Character physical material crash
- Character not saving position/rotation/scale
- Instruction: Change Position self space
- Condition: Raycasts wrong object reports
- Props: Incorrect prefab scale
Released June 14, 2022
- Option to uninstall modules
- Input: Any button
- Input: Constant Motion
- Instruction: Parent of Game Object
- Instruction: Root of Game Object
- Property: No Sprite
- Character Rotation: Look at Pointer
- Variables: Show error if duplicate ID
- Scene Entries decoupled from Instruction
- Global List Variables collect methods work
- Condition: Are Arms Busy incorrect spelling
- Serialization error during domain reloads
- IK: Deactivate IK Lean at runtime
- Navigation: Disable rotation in movement
Released May 24, 2022
- Named Variables: Nested Access
- Settings: Choose how to save game data
- Save: Json File option with simple encryption
- States: Instructions run on every change
- Instruction: Physics 3D Trace Line
- Instruction: Physics 3D Overlap Sphere
- Instruction: Physics 3D Overlap Box
- Instruction: Physics 2D Overlap Circle
- Instruction: Physics 2D Overlap Box
- Spatial Hash algorithm performance
- Tweaks on padding on Editor UI
- Acceleration uses vertical speed
- States using wrong duration for entries
Released May 12, 2022
- Instruction: Increment Number
- Instruction: Change RectTransform Width
- Instruction: Change RectTransform height
- Instruction: Transform Look At
- Instruction: Scale Product
- Instruction: Change Character Driver
- Instruction: Swap List Elements
- Instruction: Start Looking At
- Instruction: Stop Looking At
- Event: On Collide Exit With
- Condition: Raycast 3D and 2D
- Condition: Is Editor
- Condition: Is Batch mode
- Condition: Is Console
- Condition: Is Mobile
- Condition: Check Runtime Platform
- Property: Empty String
- Property: Rect Transform
- Property: Random Audio Clip
- Property: Last Collided Enter/Exit
- Property: Last Trigger Enter/Exit
- Input: Mouse Double Press/Release
- Input: Touchscreen Press/Release
- Driver: NavmeshAgent has Agent Type exposed
- Memory: Exists
- Footsteps support LOD Groups
- Acceleration feels more natural
- Keywords for boolean values
- Fine-tuned Fuzzy Finder algorithm
- Lock characters on a 2D plane
- Increased scope of Breathing and Twitching
- Breathing and Twitching can be nullified
- Offset values default to zero
- Signals not initialized on AoT platforms
- Picking component from a Property reference
- Null check before playing Audio Clips
- States flicker before playing exit clip
- Deep copy when getting Tree children
- List picker has dropdown menu title
- States using wrong entry Avatar Mask
- Exception with uncaught Kernel events
- Crash with Rigidbody Driver caused by Material
Released March 25, 2022
- Condition: Is Character Controllable
- Scope for changing character rotation state
- Input: Holding contains release cycle
- Input: Renamed properties to follow standard
- Template character using incorrect height
- Template player checks if is controllable
Released March 23, 2022
- Condition: Is Input Pressed
- Condition: Is Input Released
- Condition: Is Input Held Down
- Event: On Input Action Press
- Event: On Input Action Release
- Event: On Input Action Hold
- Icons for visual scripting nodes
- Character has a proxy object for model
- Orphan object destroying a ragdoll character
- Settings window elements not appearing
- SceneReferene error when building a binary
- Skeleton throw null reference exception
Released March 21, 2022
- Player: Follow Pointer Unit
- Instruction: Show/Hide Touchsticks
- Instruction: Activate Feet IK
- Instruction: Activate Lean IK
- Instruction: Activate Look IK
- Condition: Has Save at Slot
- Event: On Load Game
- Event: On Delete Game
- Property: Audio Clips
- Property: Random Strings
- Input: Detection for Press/Release
- Support for TreeView API
- Properties return editor references
- Smooth in/out landing compression
- Sync physics with main thread transforms
- Changing units when character is selected
- Changing model null exception
- Locating camera by tag overridden by FindByType
- Looping variables works with all types
- List selectors not being displayed
- Changing character height stutters
- Fields alignment in Inspector
- Signals throw an error when exiting
- Null error after deleting some objects
- Spawn prefabs every frame in Point & Click
- Changing Is Controllable stops any motion
- Greedy systems automatically initialize
- Description of surface/volume properties
- Instruction: Quit Application exits playmode
Released January 28, 2022
- Game Creator Toolbar
- Signal dispatching
- Instruction: Character move to direction
- Instruction: Character stop movement
- Instructions: Camera Shots
- Instruction: Raise Signal
- Event: Receive Signal
- Event: On Change Audio Volume
- Property: Audio Mixer Parameter
- Run Visual Scripting components from Unity events
- Easier to navigate dropdown menus
- Footsteps textures mimic character rotation
- A Camera Shot can be assigned as the main one
- Improved performance of Editor UI elements
- Tree class renamed to Trie
- Variables now accept integers, floats and doubles
- Some events were invoked when the Trigger was disabled
- Error thrown with inactive Local Variables
- Dead characters don't twitch or breathe anymore
- Async Manager exception throw exiting Play-Mode
- Settings window compressing overflowing elements
- Event: On Click does not execute over UI elements
- UI Controls have the UI layer as default
- Locations allow to specify the rotation
- Procedural animations take into account Time Scale
Released December 27, 2021
- Shot: New Anchor Peek camera shot
- Marker: New Inwards type
- Instruction: Play Footstep
- Spot: Look on Focus
- Shots: Can use easing functions
- New deep clone utility to duplicate instances
- Properties: Get and Set audio volumes
- Spots: Disabled while interacting
- Spots: Offset option for World and Self space
- Event: Lifecycle events have better description
- Play button is contextually hidden
- Colors have HDR and non-HDR option
- Name Variables display non-available options
- String Variables can get values from other types
- Instruction: Toggle Bool uses one single property
- Shots interpolate based on its duration
- Event: Characters not registering changes
- Prefab Variables error at runtime
- Tweening UI elements uses unscaled time
- Actions and Triggers catch exceptions
- Spatial Hash queries on Markers
Released December 1, 2021
- Interaction system
- Condition: Can Interact
- Instruction: Interact
- Event: On Focus
- Event: On Blur
- Event: On change NPC to Player
- Event: On change Player to NPC
- Spot: Text on Focus
- Spot: Object on Focus
- Leaning IK default values
- Character inspector UX
- Conditions have more friendly names
- Name of Point and Click button
- Motion unit is more compartmentalized
- Hide Character gizmos collapsing each unit
- Spatial Hash returning farther values
Released November 24, 2021
- Driver: Skin width exposed in Inspector
- Ragdoll animations
- Save/Load format does not use special characters
- Shot: Lock On ignores Anchor and Target clipping
- Event: On Enter NavLink not detected
- Event: On Exit NavLink not detected
- NavMesh: Agents move between Off-Mesh Links
- Scene asset were null in standalone builds
- Character: Sinking in ground when using Feet IK
Released November 16, 2021
- Paste button for Visual Scripting
- Instruction: Sort List alphabetically
- States: Weight uses a range control
- Conditions redesign
- Focus on search fields automatically
- Event: Input distance has offset option
- Shot: Lock on includes better default values
- Airborne animations did not loop correctly
- Null check for characters Bone Rack
Released November 2, 2021
- Event: On Hover Enter
- Event: On Hover Exit
- Event: On Select
- Event: On Deselect
- Event: On Late Update
- Event: On Trigger Stay
- Condition: Has Prop Attached
- Property: Transform Offset
- Property: Character Bone
- Property: Spherical random point
- Property: Rotation of Camera
- Input: Interaction
- Point and Click examples
- Right click on Dropdown options to go back
- Virtualized
- Missing scroll in Game Creator Hub
- Regression: Point & Click on Player unit
- Characters Props out of range access
Released October 20, 2021
- Input: Mobile virtual joystick support
- IK: Lean towards motion direction
- Event: On Hotspot Activate
- Event: On Hotspot Deactivate
- Property: Light Intensity and Range
- Rendering Pipeline in documentation
- Visual Scripting search engine precision
- Renamed Example Manager to Install window
- Renamed execution events to lifecycle path
- Character radius out of sync with driver unit
- Crouch and Walk string input codes
- Memory leak in Camera Shot preview window
- Skeleton valid prefab type
- Conversion between float and double values
- Test Runner using float values
Released October 6, 2021
- New getters for each Vector3 component
- Instruction: Clamp Vector3
- Examples with higher contrasting textures
- Null check for gamepads and keyboards
- Null check for material _MainTex
- Input for walking using crouch settings
- Character footstep bones incorrect instance
Released September 27, 2021
- Start State to Character component
- Latest documentation PDF file
- Option to run camera in Fixed Update
- Dust FX on examples when character lands
- Rigidbody character Driver
- Instruction: Set Text
- Instruction: Text Join
- Instruction: Text Replace
- Instruction: Text Substring
- Handling on Character units
- Performance on Reflective properties
- Examples and improved their visuals
- Physics engine methods being called every frame
Released September 22, 2021
- Tank Controls to characters
- Copy & Paste to all lists
- Duplicate button to all lists
- Faster method to get managed reference values
- Get and Set values from Input devices
- Get and Set fields using C# Reflection
- Get and Set properties using C# Reflection
- Event: On Navigation Link Enter
- Event: On Navigation Link Exit
- Condition: Compare Child Count
- Instruction: Remap Coordinates
- Instruction: Uniform Scale a Vector3 value
- Instruction: Loop List
- Animator null when changing model in Editor
- Audio not taking into account time scale
- Incorrect description on some Input methods
- Changing kernel units while in play-mode
- Global variable access in standalone builds
Released September 17, 2021
- IsRunning property to Actions and Conditions
- Property to search an object by name
- Memory: Name
- Memory: Tag
- Memory: Layers
- Memory: Is Active
- Memory: Light Color
- Memory: Light Intensity
- Instruction: Change name of Game Object
- Point & Click incorrect raycast order
- Point & Click ignore over UI game objects
- Memories not drawing some properties
- Date not parsing using system culture
Released September 16, 2021
- NavMeshAgent avoidance quality
- NavMeshAgent avoidance priority
- Material Sound error when texture is null
- Player not moving without a Main Camera
- Description of Usage Input buttons
Released September 14, 2021
- Mouse button modifier to Delta Mouse input
- Youtube cover image to welcome screen
- Game Creator Hub paths on Windows
- Game Creator Hub package install hierarchy
- Examples Manager installer version check
Released September 13, 2021
- Option to create impacts for Material Sounds
- Model position offset to Character animation
- Complete & Basic Locomotion States
- Instruction: Toggle Active
- Bool Property: Does not Exist
- Bool Property: Is not Active
- Input: Usage/Crouch
- Input: Usage/Walk
- Invalid Hub URL on Windows machines
- Invalid Documentation URL
- Skeleton asset error when using 3D models
- Stop State instruction layer index
- Primary motion input with joystick dead-zone
- Foot IK disabled during gestures with root-motion
- Look IK alignment with target's line of sight
- Animation time scale on characters
Released September 10, 2021
- First release